Missing For 6 Years, Senior Dog Finally Returns Home To His Family

Seeing our best friend, family member, or romantic partner again after a long time apart is one of the most joyous moments life can offer. And it’s even more special when we think about how close we came to losing them forever. Reunions are their own kind of miracle, and something that everyone cherishes deeply.

King, a brown Chihuahua mix who is 15-years-old, was lucky to have his family find him after he ran away from home. He couldn’t help but smile broadly when he saw his loved ones again for the first time in months.

Six years ago, King vanished from his family’s yard in San Antonio, Texas. Although his relatives made fliers, posted on social media and frequently scouted the local shelter, they couldn’t locate their pup. But they never stopped believing–they always thought they would reunite with King one day. And eventually…they did.

King and his family’s years of misfortune turned around when the animal shelter scanned him for a microchip, which contained his owner’s information.

The moment the shelter contacted King’s family, they hurried over to see their dog who had been missing for so long.

“Within an hour, they called back overjoyed to learn that King was unharmed and alive,” said Cherie Wachter, vice president of marketing at HSBC, in an interview with The Dodo.

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King’s family was so anxious to bring him home that they drove 1,300 miles in 19 hours instead of booking a flight ticket (which they couldn’t do until the end of the week).

King was very timid when leaving home, according to Cherie Wachter. “Like most dogs in a strange environment, he was very quiet, subdued and nervous,” she said.

Thankfully, the senior dog was found and returned home again. Wachter stated upon King’s return, “I think King might have been a little nervous at first. There were a lot of people watching.” Debi started tearing up and her daughter Danae looked in disbelief–both immensely happy to see their pup again after six long years. The mother-daughter duo mentioned they never give hope when it comes to their loved ones–a touching moment indeed.

King’s family took a trip to Dania Beach upon the dog’s return home, who felt apprehensive at first but eventually warmed up and enjoyed the scenery.

You can watch the sweet reunion here:

Don’t forget to SHARE this amazing video with your friends and families!!❤️

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